Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity
Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Marmots (Cheboksary, Russia, 1997)
Moscow, ABF, 216 p.
Editors: V.Yu. Rumiantsev, A.A. Nikol'ski, O.V. Brandler
With the kind permission of the publisher
Ya. Adya
Age and sex pecularities of the skin structure of Mongolian
marmot (Marmota sibirica)
The Russian text only (p. 5)
Ya. Adya
Morphological description of the hair cover of the marmots
(Marmota sibirica, M. baibacina) in Mongolia.
The Russian text only (p. 6)
Ya. Adya
Marmot hunting in Mongolia.
V.S. Ageev*, S.B. Pole*, V.S. Arakelyanz**, V.I. Sapozhnikov**
On the history of a discovery and biocenosis structure of
the kokpak mesofocus of plague.
A.M. Aikimbayev, V.S. Ageev, S.B. Pole
Additional information on plague in the Central
Tien Shan.
A.P. Ajdak*, N.L. Saposnikov, A.V. Dimitriev**
Modern state and perspective of the marmots' settlings in
the collective-farm Leninskaya Iskra of the Jardrinsky
district, Chuvash Republic.
K.B. Armitage
Social dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots: Strategies
for evolutionary success.
K.B. Armitage, D.T. Blumstein
Body-mass diversity in marmots.
K.B. Armitage*, K.E. Wynne-Edwards**
Progesterone concentrations in wild-caught yellow-bellied
B.B. Badmaev
Arealogical review of the tarbagan in relation with large
river systems.
N.A. Barmin, A.V. Griko
Additional data on distribution of the steppe marmot in
N.A. Barmin*, A.V. Dimitriev**, Z.N. Plechova ***
About the meaning of the marmot's colonies in the
preservation of the stability and biodiversity of the small
steppe plots.
N.A. Barmin, T.V. Silaeva
Strategy of protection and reacclimatization of the steppe
marmot in Mordovia in relationship with protection of
steppe communities.
J. Batbold
A study on population genetic structure of
Mongolian marmot and some problems of plague.
J. Batbold
The problem of management on marmots in Mongolia.
M.-C. Bel*, J.L. Clement**, J. Coulon*
Recent advances in the study of intraspecific chemical
communication in Alpine
marmot (Marmota marmota).
D.I. Bibikov
Heterogeneity of development in marmots: one of the basic
features of population
demography and reproduction.
D.I. Bibikov*, A.V. Dimitriev**, I.B. Abrakhina, N.A. Barmin***
About studying the marmots' genofund motion during their
reacclimatization and
D.I. Bibikov*, V.I. Mashkin**
On study of natural hibernation in marmots: proposals for
D.T. Blumstein
The evolution of situationally specific marmot
D.T. Blumstein, K.B. Armitage
Cooperative breeding in marmots.
D.T. Blumstein*, J.C. Daniel*, W. Arnold**
Survivorship of Golden marmot (Marmota caudata aurea)
in Pakistan.
G.G. Boyeskorov*, E.I. Zholnerovskaya**, N.N. Vorontsov***, E.A. Lyapunova***
Intraspecific divergence of the black-capped
M.-P. Callait, D. Gauthier, C. Prud'homme
Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) and their
digestive parasites.
P.V. Chaschin, N.V. Kiseleva
The bobac marmot in Chelyabinsk region.
J.C. Daniel, D.T. Blumstein
A test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis in marmots.
J. Demberel
Relationship between marmots and plague natural foci of
J. Demberel*, J. Batbold**
Dispersal and numbers of marmots in Mongolia.
A.V. Dimitriev*, N.A. Barmin**, Z.N. Plechova***, G.N. Plechov****
The role of the marmots' colonies in the knots thickenings
of the biomass in the steppes.
A.V. Dimitriev*, Z.N. Plechova**, G.N. Plechov***
About biological variety of the marmots'colonies.
A.I. Dmitriev
The foundation of holocen remnants of Marmota bobac in
the semi-desert zone of the
northern coast of Caspian Sea.
P.P. Dmitriev
Marmots and rocks.
L.V. Egorov .
The bobacs (Marmota bobac Mull.) beetles-coprobionts and
nidicols in Chuvashia
O.A. Ermakov, O.O. Andreeva
Materials to historical distribution of steppe marmot in
Penza region.
A.V. Esipov.
The modern state of Menzbier's marmot
C. Facello*, E. Macchi*, M. Panzera**, R. Piazza*, E. Tesio*
Some phonetic parameters of the alarm calls in Marmota
marmota L.: differences between the first and the second
whistles related to the silhouettes.
C. Facello*, E. Macchi*, M. Panzera**, R. Piazza*, E. Tesio*
Temporal and spectral features of alarm calls in Marmota
marmota L.: answer degree to artificial aerial stimuli.
E. Farand, D. Allaine, J. Coulon
Survival of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.):
A capture-recapture study of the population from La Sassiere
(Vanoise, France).
O.I. Fedorova, E.M. Koldaeva
The hairs cover topographic variability in second year
marmot from cages breeding.
G.A. Fedoseeva*, I.V. Rymalov**
Selection of marmots in fur breeding.
O. Giboulet, S. Louis, Yu. Semenov, R. Ramousse
Colonisation prcess after (re)introduction in Alpine marmot
(Marmota marmota).
O. Giboulet, R. Ramousse, M. Le Berre
Evolution of the life history traits and molecular phylogeny:
Sociality in ground dwelling squirrels as an example.
B. Goossens, L. Graziani, D. Allaine, Lp. Waits, J.Coulon, P. Taberlet, J. Bouvet
Paternity exclusion and mating system in Alpine marmot:
Microsatellite and behavioural analysis.
P.K. Gorshkov*, A.F. Kadash**, V.A. Birukov **
The outlock for research and usage of Marmota bobac Mull.
in the republic of Tatarstan.
L. Graziani, D. Allaine
Early ontogeny of Alpine marmot: Preliminary results on
growth and behavioral development between birth and
V.V. Grubnik, V.Yu. Gorbunov
On the construction of the artificial burrow for Marmota
bobac keeping under the conditions of semi-confiment.
N.P. Guricheva, P.P. Dmitriev
Plant cover of marmots (Marmota sibirica Pall.) burrows on
eastern Kangai (Mongolia).
N.P. Guricheva, P.P. Dmitriev
The flora of marmots (Marmota sibirica Pall.) burrows on
easternKangai (Mongolia).
J. Herrero*-**, R. Garcia-Gonzalez*, A. Garcia-Serrano**
Research on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the
Spanish Pyrenees.
U. Huettmeir
Habitat selection of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in
the Hohe Tauern (Central Alps, Austria).
L.N. Ivanov*, A.V. Dimitriev **
The common survey of the historical, experience spreading,
marmots' guarding and the state of the marmotological
researches in the Chuvash republic.
L.I. Ivanov, V.G. Skvortsov, V. Sergeeva, N.A. Kirillov, M.A. Ershov
Action of terpenol on the resistance of rodents as organism
during stresses.
A.M. Isakov, A.V. Dimitriev
The description of the new daughter's marmots colonies in
the Jadrinsky region of the Chuvash republic.
O.N. Kabakov
Scarabaeidae, connected with bobacs holes in the
Transbaikal region and Afghanistan.
Yu.S. Kalyagin*, A.D. Polyakov**
Spring vegetation of rey marmot' settlements under strong
anthropogenic impact in Kemerovo region.
The Russian text only.
Yu.S. Kalyagin*, A.D. Polyakov**
Reactivity of grey marmots derma with parasitism of ticks
larvae and nymphs.
V.I. Kapitonov*, S.P. Ukrainzeva**
The history of acclimatization and modern condition of
Marmota bobac populations in Udmurtia.
N.Yu. Kholodnaya*, T.P. Boiko**, V.V. Uzhik*
Neurotransmitter mechanisms and their role in estimation
of the functional state of the marmot local communities.
N.Yu. Kholodnaya, V.V. Uzhik
A change in the birth-rate in the dem of Marmota bobac as
a response to removal of different intensivity.
N.Yu. Kholodnaya, V.V. Uzhik
On the settling of Marmota camtschatica in the north
su-baikal in the basin of the Molokon River.
V.I. Kirillova
To the Cicada fauna of the Batyrevo reserve and other
stepped territories of Chuvashia.
N.L. Klassovsky, S.B. Pole, V.M. Dubiansky
Comparative analysis of Grey marmot' interpopulation
differences of craniological signs in Aksai and Kokpak
The Russian text only
N.L. Klassovsky, S.B. Pole, V.M. Dubiansky
Phenetical polymorphism of Gray marmot in
Aksai population.
The Russian text only
V.V. Kolesnikov
Distribution of European (Marmota bobac bobac Mull.,
1776) and Kazakhstan (M. b. schaganensis Bachanov, 1930)
subspeciesof bobac in gully and steppe settlements.
M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse
Eurasian marmot biodiversity conservation evaluation of
INTAS 93-0161 programme.
M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse
Focus marmot research in France,from 1990 to 1997.
D. Lenti Boero
Population dynamics, mating system and young survival in
Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota L.).
M.N. Leontieva, G.V. Paramonov, A.P. Zakharov
About pecularities of the calculation of bobac in different
phases of reacclimatization.
S. Louis, M. Le Berre
Human disturbance and wildlife: Alpine marmot's
case-preliminary results.
S. Louis, Yu. Semenov, O. Giboulet
Human-marmots cohabitation history: the case of Aussois
(Savoie, France).
S. Magnolon, D. Allaine, J. Coulon
A study of the proximal factors affecting natal dispersal in
the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota).
V.I. Mashkin
Reactions of adaptation to homeostasis of animals during
winter hibernation.
V.I. Mashkin
Structural elements of marmot population.
I. Merzlikin, A. Galeta, A. Krivtsov, V. Dorofeev
The state of steppe marmot population in Sumy region of
V.I. Mosolov
Main types of the habitat of black-capped marmot
(Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in mountain-volcanic regions
of eastern Kamchatka.
The Russian text only.
V.I. Mosolov*, V.A. Tokarsky **
Territorial distribution and number of black-capped marmot
(Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in mountain-volcanic regions
of Kronotsky reserve (eastern Kamtchatka).
The Russian text only.
M.M. Mukhamedyanov
The use of nutrients and energy of a ration by
steppe marmots under a dry type of feeding.
D. Nebel, O. Giboulet, R. Ramousse
Alpine marmot colonization of the state reserve of mount
Vallier from 1961 to 1997.
A.A. Nikol'skii
Geographical variability of the spectral structure of steppe
marmot's (Marmota bobac) alarm call.
A.A. Nikol'skii*, E.E. Roschina**, O.V. Soroka**
New confirmation of correlation between the relief's
desmemberment and the alarm call's temporal organization
(on instance of Marmota bobac).
G.V. Olenev, V.A. Gashek, V.D. Zacharov, A.V. Lagunov
Experience of marmot bobac resettlement on southern
J. Oyunbileg*, J. Batbold**, P. Nymidava***, A. Shimoda***
Hepadnavirus infection among populations of Mongolian
N.L. Panchenko, A.V. Dimitriev, L.V. Egorov
Modern condition state of studies and perspectives of
development of Tsivilsk' basic colony of the bobacs in
Chuvashia republic.
G.V. Paramonov, M.N. Leontieva, A.P. Zakharov
Number and reproduction of bobac in Nizgny Novgorod
region in a phase of ecological explosion.
G.N. Plechov*, A.V. Dimitriev**, Z.N. Plechova***
Marmots in the Chuvash mythology.
G.N. Plechov*, A.V. Dimitriev**, Z.N. Plechova***
The Chuvash folk knowledge about marmots.
I.A. Plotnikov
On cannibalism of steppe marmots.
I.A. Plotnikov
The effects of food adaptations of marmots depending on
their habitat.
S.B. Pole
The subspecies and interpopulation differences of the grey
marmot baculum.
S.B. Pole*, V.S. Arakelyantz**, N.L. Klassovski*, V.I. Sapozhnikov **
Dynamics of age and sex structure in the Kokpak grey
marmot population.
I.K. Polischuk, E.P. Veden'kov
Acclimatization of the steppe marmot in the biosphere
The Russian text only (p. 79)
E.G. Potapova*, A.Ju. Puzachenko**, D.I. Bibikov*
Morphological differentiation of two marmot forms
(Marmotabaibacina and M. sibirica) in southern Mongolia.
R. Ramousse, O. Giboulet
Some aspects of the present socio-economic value of the
Alpine marmot in France.
R. Ramousse, O. Giboulet
Space structuration in Alpine marmots in ancient habitats
and new colonization sites.
V.N. Rudy*, N.N. Shevljuk**, A.A. Stadnikov**
Ground dwelling Sciuridae (Marmots and ground squirrels) -
The unique natural model to study morpho-genetic
processes in reproductive organs.
V.Yu. Rumiantsev
To the problem of the bobac marmot area structure.
V.Yu. Rumyantsev, M.S. Soldatov
Marmot's impact on soils and vegetation of solonetz
complexes in Northern Kazakhstan.
I.V. Rymalov
Possibility of polyandry in steppe marmots family groups.
I.V. Rymalov*, G.A Fedoseeva**, A.G.Evreinov
Dates of breeding steppe marmots in captivity.
I.V. Rymalov*, G.A. Fedoseeva**, V.A. Olifir *
Hibernation of marmots in spring and in summer.
L. Sala, P. Tongiorgi, M.Gianaroli, C. Sola, A. Spampanato Angela
Long-term monitoring of a population of marmots in the
Northern Apennines - Preliminary data.
E.N. Savinova, N.T. Khmelkov
Population of steppe marmot (Marmota bobac Mull.) in
Batyrevsky district of Chuvash republic.
G.A. Savchenko, V.I. Ronkin
Territorial use of Marmota bobac Mull.
O.A. Schwartz*, K.B. Armitage**
Correlations between weather factors and life-history traits
of yellow-bellied marmots.
O.A. Schwartz*, K.B. Armitage**
Empirical considerations on the stable age distribution.
O.A. Schwartz*, K.B. Armitage**
Sociality and average fitness in yellow-bellied marmots.
Yu. Semenov, O. Giboulet, S. Louis
Spatial repartition of the activity of Alpine marmots in their
home range in relation with ecological and human factors.
V. Sergeeva, L.I. Ivanov, V.G. Skvortsov, N.A. Kirillov, M.A. Ershov
The possibility of use of dostim for stimulation of the animals
immunology system.
N.N. Shevljuk
Phenomenon of endocrine and germinative composition of
marmots' testicles before hibernation and its biological
N.N. Shevljuk, A.A. Stadnikov
Intersitial endocrinocytes (Leydig cells) of marmots -
Light-optical and ultrastructural description.
N.N. Shevljuk*, A.A. Stadnikov*, V.N. Rudi**
Dynamics of the interactions between the interstitial
endocrinocytes and the seminal convoluted tubules of
marmots during the seasonal reproductive activity changes.
S.P. Soldatov
Some items of information on a condition of natural
colonizationof marmot bobac in Southern regions of
Chuvash republic.
A.A. Stadnikov*, N.N. Shevljuk*, V.N. Rudy,** L.A. Lopatinskaya, O.Ya. Nikolaeva
Factors and control mechanism in marmots' testicle
functionalactivity (endocrine, paracrine, autocrine aspects).
V.V. Sukhov, I.V. Rymalov
Dynamic of winter hibernation of single lived steppe
S.V. Titov
The role of steppe marmot in maintenance spatial-
ethological structure of mixed settlement three species
ground squirrel.
V.A. Tokarsky, A.F. Bartenev
Manuscript by A.V. Chernay. Description of animals under
the name souslics or marmots.
V.A. Tokarsky*, O.V. Brandler**
About combination of steppe marmot' area of Kharkov and
Lougansk populations.
A.S. Valentsev
The black-heade marmot (Marmota camtschatica
camtschatica Pallas) abundance, protection and their
resources use on Kamchatka.
B.C. Woods, K.B. Armitage
Survivorship and the effects of supplemental food on
juvenile yellow-bellied marmot growth rates.
B.C. Woods, K.B. Armitage, D.T. Blumstein
Active reduction of metabolic rate and the use of Q10 to
enter torpor.
B.C. Woods, K.B. Armitage, D.T. Blumstein
Circadian rhythm is maintained during hibernation in
yellow-bellied marmots.
B.Ye. Zarubin
Sizes of Kazakhstan bobac fells.
B.Ye. Zarubin
Weight of Kazakhstan bobac fells.
S.M. Zavaleeva, R.Sh. Taiguzin
Ultrastructural alternations of impulse conductive (atypical)
cardiomyocytes in hibernazing animals.
N.K. Zheleznov
Factors determining Kamchatsky marmot (Marmota
camtschatica) population status in the North East of Asia.
E.I. Zholnerovskaya
Collection of marmots of the Siberian zoological museum.
V.K. Zintshenko
To the fauna of beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera), the
inhabitants of Orenburg province of bobac (Marmota bobac
Mull.) holes.
* *
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