Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity.
of the 3d Conference on Marmots (Cheboksary, Russia, 25-30 August 1997), Moscow ABF 1997, 216p.
V. Sergeeva, L.I. Ivanov, V.G. Skvortsov, N.A. Kirillov, M.A. Ershov
National academy of sciences and art of Chuvash Republic
Medical institute of Chuvash State University
Chuvash State agricultural academy, Cheboksary, Russia
In literature many facts of the use of Dostim for the stimulation of immunology system and for the increase of the common resistantions of organisms of different animals.Dostim a stimulator, received from the polysacharide cellular wall of yeast cells. It is establised by many investigators that biogenstimulators promote the activation of anabolic processes in organisms. These stimulators influence on neuroendocrine and on hypophysial-cortical systems, which lead to the increase of secretions of somatotropic, lactotropic, gonadotropic, adrenocorticotropic and other hormones.
The aim of our investigation is to study the influence of immunostimulator Dostim on amincontaining structures of thymus by hystochemical methods.
Investigations showed that when injected Dostim in the dose 0,15 mg/kg of animal's mass, the contains of hystamine in obese, premedullar, subcapsular cels and in parenchyma of thymus are increased.
The dynamics of the contains of monoamines after injecting of the immunostimulator has some other character. The intensity of luminescent of serotonine increases on the 105th and the 305th days and decreases on the 205th day. The contains of catecholamines gradually increase during the whole period of investigation in the structures of thymus.
In January it is marred that intract rats have bad adrenoterminaly, they don't have high quantity of premedullar, subcapsular and obese cells.
After the use of the stimulator in corticomedullar zone the quantity of luminescent structures of lobule of thymus increases; the obese cells appear not only in septs and in cortex, but in medulla zones of lobule of thymus. The quantity of the obese cells increases in 2-3 times. The macrophagues in premedullar and in sybcapsular zones are better seen, the width of the cortex decreases.
The increase of catecholamine concentrations after injection of immunostimulator Dostim in structures of thymus may be interpreted, as the stimulation of immune system.
Thus the immunostimulator Dostim has vividly expressed action on animal's immune system.
Dostim may be recommended for the use in agricultural and veterinary practice.