Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity.
Rumiantsev V.Yu;, Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds.,
3d Conference on Marmots (Cheboksary, Russia, 25-30 August 1997),
Moscow ABF 1997, 216p., 60-61 (Russian), 164-165 (English).
M.N. Leontieva, G.V. Paramonov, A.P. Zakharov
Nizhny Novgorod Hunting Administration,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
In the last decades XX of a century in result undertaken settling in Povolzhie which conducted Glavochota RSFSR was formed much new settlements of bobac - Marmota bobac Mull., 1776 (Shiyan et al., 1991; Abrakhina et al., 1993; Dimitriev et al., 1994, 1996) in different phases of reacclimatization. Main peculiarities these settlements - small number specimens (from several tens up to several hundreds) and, as a rule, good isolation from other settlements. In such conditions it is very important as it is possible more complete to take into calculation stocks animals, not resorting
to extrapolation of data, as it reduces accuracy of the calculation. Owing to the small area, enqaged such settlements, here is the real opportunity of continuous visual calculation an animals.
An example can serve most northwest bobacs settlement in Povolzhie in Nizhny Novgorod region. On our data (see present collection) it on is gone in a phase of "ecological explosion" (on Chesnokov, 1979). By forces huntsmen of Nizhny Novgorod Hunting Administration (Paramonov et al., 1996) in it have spent tracking for number marmots. With 1987 on 1996 years is spent 5 three-divisible and 1 double calculation. They can be considered as 17 unitary supervision or as 11 double calculations. The greatest number specimens in family established by calculation in the field-glass during three supervision. The sum of animals in all families in each particular year accepted stocks bobac in the settlement. To them compared completeness of the calculation specimens at unitary supervision in different weather and in different time of days, also at the double calculation. The data in different years united in one variational line.
From the table it is visible, that completeness of the calculation specimens at unitary supervision in comparison with the threedivisible calculation is unsufficient, too large range of variation does not allow to calculate the amendment. The double calculation (with obligatory by supervision in the morning and in the evening) quite admit with use on amendmend. In Nizhny Novgorod region of amendment in windless weather make: 1.03 - in clear warm, 1.05 - clear hot or in cloudy warm. In windy weather they are equal: 1.0 at a warm wind of southern directions in clear hot or cloudy weather, 1.10 - at a cold wind of northern direction in clear weather.
With realization of registration works it is possible to allocate three stages. In a phase of naturalization the special meaning gets I stage - fixing on a large-scale card of accommodation of families in a place bobacs release, in a phase "of ecological explosion" - II stage - marking on a map the new villages teritories, which bobacs mastered again. III stage - the visual calculation of animals in all families of a base settlement and on the new villages - especially is important during all process of reacclimatization. In a population phase the application standard for natural settlements, with extrapolation of the data, technique of the calculation is possible.
Completeness of the ccalculation of the stocks of bobac depending on the recurrence of supervsion (Nizhny Novgorod region, 1987-96)
Recurrence of supervision
Total number
Completeness of the calculation animals in different years (% from the three-divisible calculation)