The one of the observed social groups consisted in August 1996 of an adult female (6f2) and two adult males (6m11 and 6m14). The individual range boundaries of these animals are shown in fig.3. The permanent burrow in figs. 3 and 4 is located in a 150 m x 70 m square. The areas of the individual home ranges are: 6f2=0.70 ha, 6m11=1.00 ha, 6m14=0.83 ha. The activity centers of the adult males are located at a maximum distance between them. The composition of this social group in Mai 1997 was as follows: an adult male (6m14=7m14), two subadult animals and an adult female (6f2=7f2). The individual range boundaries of this female are shown in fig. 4. The activity center marked with a circle is located in a 130 m x 90 m square, the area individual home range within this observation period equalled 1.46 ha.
Figures 1-4
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