Vegetation cover of the area includes a large variety of local plants and of many plant species used by marmots as food. First, it is stipulated by microclimatic conditions, indirectly affecting forage state, food plant species abundance, nutrition ration composition and on the population status as a whole. Usually, a considerable variety of food plants in concrete habitats is a certain indicator of microclimatic and soil conditions in the kamchatsky marmot habitats. Either light or small detritus soils of old river and lake terraces of moraine origin may be attributed to the first group of soil conditions. Small, but powerful accumulated soils of highland terraces belong to the second group. Such soils are typical for gentle slopes of low mountain chains with fine-grained ground forming small banks where marmots arrange their holes, although the animals are quite vulnerable there to birds and other predators. In the areas of the first soil group communities of the marmot populations have traditional forms, structure and picture of hole locations accepted since olden days. They depend on climate, plants and conditions to hole, determined
by underlying relief surface. Colomies of such marmot micropopulations are quite stable barring direct or indirect human impact (Zheleznov, 1988). The most steady-going populations of kamchatsky marmots are in the central parts of middle and high mountains, in particular, in the north of the Koriaksky upland - region of the mountains Rzhavaja and Naanknei, and in Kamchatka, along the forest or alpine belts' borders - region of the river Kosyrenka uppers in the Sredinny range, where factors influencing directly are absent, and indirect ones either act poorly or their affection speed is considerably lower, than possibility of such populations to recover their well-being. There is no doubt, marmot settlements included into protection zones, for example, into the Kronotsky reserve, may be considered as the most stable ones, since their status only depends on natural factors. Besides, safe populations of kamchatsky marmots in the North East of Asia occur in discontinuous kurumniks (middle and large stone placers), where due to chemical decay there are surplus of fine-grained ground, good combination of forage, favourable protection stations and conditions to hole. Communities of marmots inhabiting the river Zmeika
uppers, surroundings of the Chetkinvaam lake (northern portion of the Koriaksky upland) may serve as an example of such populations. Other part of the area, in particular, the Maino-Pylginsky range, has a high temperature regime of the soil surface due to friable deposits above permafrost, and there is a broken type of long-year-frozen rocks' distribution because of tectonic processes, and thawed waters are situated close to the relief surface. Such areas are extraordinary suitable for holes to be arranged, many food plants grow there and marmot settlements are placed with high density. Combination of these factors with other positive ones makes marmot micropopulation quite successful there.
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